Wow! What an absoloutely amazing movie.
I loved it.
It has most definitely made its way in my top 5.....3....movies. I cant put it in the same ball park as my musicals or any other movie for that matter, cos it's on a wholeeee nother scale.
All I was hoping for in it, was to see lots of beautiful Indian children, that would remind me of the beautiful children I saw in Bangladesh (when I went on a Mission Trip back in 06).
It was such a diverse group of emotions though, all through that movie - I'd be getting sore cheeks from smiling so much at the beautiful bubbaz, and from seeing them running from the cops at the beginning'n being lil cheeky rascals, to the AWESOME snippets of the hot hot Amitabh Bachchan - woohooo. Then I'd be flashing back to walking through the slums in Bangladesh, the smells of curry and amazing food stalls, the poverty, walking over the miles and miles of rubbish heaps, with fires all throughout them, as well as tents where children and families are living - then I'd be crying, the bit that just crushed me'n made the tears fall, was when the pimp (how Jesus forgives people like that I have no idea, I obviously need more of him in me) made the beautiful boy sing - gassed him with the toxins, then poured whatever it was on his eyes to make him blind so he gets more money begging - made me sick to the stomach, broke my heart, made me want to reach into the screen, pull the little boy out, hug him and never let him go. Then to know that this isn't Hollywood, this is reality, and is happening over there right now, probably always has been, and probably always will. You can just seem so helpless, being one person in this ridicuously wealthy, clean, safe country in comparison, to even making the slightest difference - I just wanna adopt them all, the forgotton, the helpless. Like Mama Heidi (if you havn't seen that, do). THEN I'd be hacked off something chronic, about the stupid decisions Salim, Jamil's brother made, gahhhh. Where is the line though, to what you do to survive in extreme situations/surroundings like that....... reminds me of that song Changes by 2Pac....a conversation between two guys.
"I made a G today"
but you made it in a sleazy way, sellin crack to the kids
"But I gotta get paid"
well hey, thats the way it is...
Crazy hard situations lead to that line being pushed more and more, not that I've seen that line living in this 1st world country, so I could never understand, but yep......one big phat ugly vicious cycle.
Also, one thing that got me, was the beggers again. What they showed is alot of what you see, of course there is so so much more when it comes to beggers. So it blew me away, and confused me so much, when it showed Samil (the chosen 'dog' by the pimp) snatch the baby off the gurl, and give it to Latika, because THAT would be sure to get her more money begging. Also when the kids all scattered at once, like 20 of them, up against windows, doing the hand to mouth action, cos that is exactly what the lil kids do over there. So it just made me think whats behind all the child beggers that I gave to in Bangladesh, did they have a horrible pimp like that man, who took it all, treated them like crap, created half the injuries and deformities himself that the children had, to get himSELF more money? Makes me so sick even thinking about it. I actually dont know how Jesus does it, forgives like that. Inconcievable. :( I only ever gave food to the lil kids, cos I did fear of them having pimps behind the scenes that would just take whatever money I gave them, but I didn't think pimps would be as fierce as the Slumdog one. So biscuits or crackers were a safe thing to give I felt. But yea, really made me question and start to feel ill and horrible for all the lil shnookies walking the streets - how could/would you have any idea of their background? :(
Anyway, the movie was so absoloutely amazing, the realness, the utter rawness of it all, the beautiful children, the vibrant colours, the music, the emotions it stirred, the reference of Amitabh and the Bollywood dance at the end. Everything about it. My fave.
Slumdog Millionaire.
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