Friday, March 20, 2009

Childhood Goodness

Coming up to my 24th birthday, I'm thinking back to the good ol' days where you used to get up at 6am to watch Tv programmes as cool as Denver the Last Dinosaur and Captain Planet and TMNT before school....only to get interrupted by your mum or dad making your breakfast for you, packing your lunch, where you had your lunchbox you'd picked out from Kmart earlier in the year - inside the lunchbox would be an awesome homemade sandwich (unless it was tuckshop day each Friday, yus) cut up in triangles (if you had been a good girl) with cut up peices of fruit, then a snack or two, which could be tiny teddies...popcorn pack of chippees, or 80c for a frozen juicy (heck I dug those frozen juicies)........get dropped to school, meet up with friends, and play on the monkey bars, play tiggy (or kiss'n catch - cept I was 5, trying to catch the oldest boys of the school....ha) or I would try and do handstands, but I always failed miserably. Colour in, in class, do crazy fun games to try learn your timestables, do awesome fun assignments about your favourite singer or sportsman, then make a big colourful chart about it, and present it to your class....

Then more play time with friends..... get picked up from school, watch abit of awesome innocent kids tv, like What Now, Carebears, The Cosby Show and Full House,or maybe do some jigsaw puzzles, or colour in, or ride your tricycle on the path in the backyard, muck around with your pets, or help mum make cookies....then mum and dad made you dinner, (where I quite frequently would sit at the table for hours upon hours until I ate my veges (brussel sprouts should be extinct) or rancid meat I never liked...only to never eat it, then get sent to my room with no pudding, a smack, and no light on, cos I was scared of the dark...) do your spelling homework, then go to bed after reading Uncle Arthurs Bedtime Stories AND maybe even scored a bubble bath, then mum or dad to pat your forehead until you fell asleep - my fave.

HECK they were the good ol' days! No cares in the world, innocent to everything, oblivious to all worries and stresses, you dont even know the meaning of the words. Your just living one day at a time, not even THINKING about the next day unless of course its your birthday, in which case you had a countdown chart months beforehand. One of the only cares you had was that your colouring pencils were sharpened, and that you hid the brush so mum wouldn't be able to brush your hair. (those knots were ruthless)

But those were cool days right.....where all the siblings and parents would be home at the end of the day, to sit round the table together for dinner, play games afterwards. No-one was 'too busy' or past the age of wanting to do that anymore, there were massive get togethers for the family for birthdays and christmas and guy fawkes - but now cousins are older, have kids of their own, family is too big to get together in one area, so it just doesn't happen anymore. Responsibilites keep growing, pressures and expectations increase and eventually it will be my turn for when I have kids of my own, if it's in Gods plan for me to have a family of my own.

Childlike faith - need to remember what thats like aye. NOTHING is too big or an impossibility when your lil. Anything can happen or come true. Need to not let negative opinions or 'routined traditions' of the world effect a childlike faith.

Childhood is soooo awesome! I am lucky enough to be able to say that - cuts me to the core aye, when you know there are thousands upon millions who have lived half their adult lives by the time they are even in double digits - with what they're eyes have seen, ears have heard, bodies have endured.

Cant wait to play games with those lil ones in heaven one day soon, where they can learn what love really feels like :) Lil kids rock my world - actually!... esp brown babies - if you couldn't already tell by the pics. :) (But sshh) :)

Childhood memories (and (brown) babies)

1 comment:

ryan said...

denver the last dinosaur

he's our friend and a whole lot more