So, I'm sharing my absoloute favourite website with you........
I can spend hours on this website, looking at all the things I would like to do.....
Because I feel like I have to justify myself with my favourite website being something for ME to enjoy, and cos that makes me feel quite selfish......another of my fave site is also Tearfund and more money goes on that that I ever would on redballoondays......AND I've only ever bought like...2 things off Red Balloon Days before......... phewf. Urg, still not justified, but yall know me hopefully......and know I'm not all......selfish like......ANYwayyyy....
But I dooooooooo realllllllly like this site, cos I'm abit of an adrenaline junkie, it's like a big ol' bag of cold hard crunchy plums to me - soooooooooooooo gooooooooood! :)
Things like:
* Sledge it. You hold onto a lil like floating board thing, and its just you and the teeny board, gunning it down this crazy rough river, down waterfalls - probably terrifying, but sooooo good. (possibly my fave one on here).
* Kayacking - again down crazy rough rivers and waterfalls
* Canyoning
* Canyoning
* Horse trecks for two at Sunset
* Kayak rides at sunset, then they hook you up with a cute lil picnic thing
* Jetboat/ski riding
* Offroading in your own 4wd OR motorbike on hire, through bush and mud and forest, so much fun
* Test drive a racing car round the track a few times
* Glass bottom boat cruises (possibly quite boring, potentially quite romantic, definitely no adrenaline)
* Helicopter rides
* All the tourist stuff at Rotorua'n Queenstown
* All the tourist stuff at Rotorua'n Queenstown
* This crazy thing where you and another person goes in between an instructor in this sleeping bag thing, and your up in the air checking out the sites, in like a hanglider, woh za!
* and so so SOOOOOOOOO much more......
I can actually spend hours on this site. I'm going to 'reward' myself with something on this site if I pass everything end of the year for uni, my daily readings on Perseverance from the amazing Bob Gass, prayer, support from friends, and with an adventure off this site in mind as my reward at the end of this year - will definitely get me through the rough times.
This one is definitely top of the list - oh yay-yah!
SUCH a fan. Gold star for redballoondays.
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