Tonight in uni, as soon as I heard the words ROLE PLAY, I was all ears. :)
My groups situation was 'a little boy is running around the daycare and all he's doing is disrupting others, what do you do'?
Now we had to do a bad reaction from a teacher and a good one.........I got the role as the bad reacting teacher - yus!
So basically I just got to shout my guts out at this poor lil kid (Really a 21 year old chick on her knees) tower over the poor lil bubba, call him bad and naughty and ridicule him, grab him, chuck him in the corner, threaten him not to move, then advise him he aint gonna be gettin no chocolate cake for afternoon tea.
But yep, gave me ma jollies.
One day, I'm going to force myself to be in a musical, ha.
I cant dance, sing or act good by ANY means (again, not being modest, I'm just very much aware that I cant, ha) but I shall say 'Lord, I'm down with you not blessing me with any of these three talents, but I AM going to pretend now and again like you HAVE, and have the time of my life, so enjoy Lord, have abit of a laugh - give front row seats to my Poppa up there in heaven, he'll just shake his handsome lebanese head and mutter 'Salma' - Drama Queen in Lebanese :) yus!
I denied 2 kids chocolate cake today at lunch!
I have also deprived children of chocolate cake in my time.
Has to be done. ;)
mmmm chocolate cake.....
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