Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Lover, The Juicer

So let me run you through this exciting procedure I do on a daily basis.........
First you get out ALLLL the awesomeness in Raw form - as above. Anything and everything really, fruit or veg that is :) More colour the better! :)
Then I get to use a big ol' knife to chop it all up into reasonable size peices, so my Lover aka The Juicer, doesn't kick a tanty.... Apart from carrots, he can take them WHOLE. The man.

Then comes some sweeeet sweeeeet fun times.......the smooshing, multching grinding, noiiiisy goodness...........very satisfying.

And then out it comessssssssssssss................woooohooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
"Juice, glorious Juiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice"

And eeeeeeeeventually........

And alllllllllllll that fruit adds up to.....

Pump Bottle and Mufussa Sized Glass = Breakfast and Lunch for tomorrow!


Then Mr Drain-age gets alllll the rejects......
That is alot of Fibre right there......

Hummina hummina.......
God has some seriously good creation skills aye, fruit alone is a pure genius.

JUICE (and appreciates God's creation in Fruit)


ryan said...


ryan said...

p.s do not, do NOT, look for "meat shake" on youtube.

Reetz said...

owwwwww, my stomach is sore from laughing...ahhhhh hahaha...that guy is SUCH a weirdo aye, seen him on things before....haha...luv the slow pouring into the cup...crackkkk me up. :)

Foogirl said...


Talk to me next time about your juices... I've just gone through a 'phase' of being slightly interested in the stuff, but didn't have a juicer - and I like 'real' food better - nah :) I even got some books on raw food out from the library, but honestly I'm not that hard out into it, but your juice did look nice... so let's have a yarn :)