It's aimed at anyone with children. Basically they have a contact center-ish type thing. Whenever a man/woman is struggling they call this centre and they are matched up with someone, of the same gender, roughly the same age, similar background, who can walk alongside them, be a mentor, a friend, just SOMEONE so that the person just doesn't have to go through the situation or just LIFE in general alone. The guest speaker (I forget her name now) told us one story of a 60 year old woman, just alone, with no-one to talk to, she had grandchildren, called up Fresh Perspective, and was matched up with a lady the same age, same amount of grandchildren AND also the grandchildren were of the same age, same pets, same background, both husbands had just passed away, and even better, the ladies lived only walking distance away from each other. Now they can share life together, mentor and support each other, and just have a friend. They take alot of consideration in who they match people up with - so people have been through the same thing, from loved ones passing away, to health struggles, to addictions, whatever.
Soooo many people are alone. They think they have to go through everything by themselves, and it honestly sucks. I dont know a way of reaching these people, only to be Jesus to everyone you meet. There is that quote 'be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle'. I hate knowing there may be some people out there that dont have someone they can text or call up when they need someone to talk to, that dont have someone they can ask for help, that get forgotton, feel unloved and just struggle hour by hour, day by day through a horrible dark life.
So, obviously I am a big fan of this organisation.
There is a training weekend coming up, which I wanted to attend, so I can be on the list of mentors that can possibly be matched up with somebody, should somebody call up. BUT, because I dont have kids, I could never be a mentor for this organisation. Makes me wanna go out and have a baby of my own....but not quite enough.
If you know of anyone struggling, or you yourself have kids/grandchildren and either need a mentor/friend, and/or can be one yourself for another person, take a look. http://www.freshperspective.org.nz/
For those of you who dont have kids, like me:
I've JUST found this link for people like us, so take a look http://www.brothersinarms.co.nz/
Brothers in Arms - Organisation for children who need a positive role model in their lives - 1/2 a day a week.

Organisations that help people not to be alone.
1 comment:
Flip dude youre SO right - so so so many people are alone, and lonely. Very cool organisation indeed :)
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