Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Lover, The Juicer

So let me run you through this exciting procedure I do on a daily basis.........
First you get out ALLLL the awesomeness in Raw form - as above. Anything and everything really, fruit or veg that is :) More colour the better! :)
Then I get to use a big ol' knife to chop it all up into reasonable size peices, so my Lover aka The Juicer, doesn't kick a tanty.... Apart from carrots, he can take them WHOLE. The man.

Then comes some sweeeet sweeeeet fun times.......the smooshing, multching grinding, noiiiisy goodness...........very satisfying.

And then out it comessssssssssssss................woooohooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
"Juice, glorious Juiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice"

And eeeeeeeeventually........

And alllllllllllll that fruit adds up to.....

Pump Bottle and Mufussa Sized Glass = Breakfast and Lunch for tomorrow!


Then Mr Drain-age gets alllll the rejects......
That is alot of Fibre right there......

Hummina hummina.......
God has some seriously good creation skills aye, fruit alone is a pure genius.

JUICE (and appreciates God's creation in Fruit)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thumbs Up To Healthiness

So I joined the gym earlier this week - my body has gotton way to used to my daily Crosstrainer session that I do at home, and isn't reaping the benefits anymore, soooo it was time to join the gym to get more variety in cardio. I am VERY motivated by classes - so that is my main intention for joining - loud pumping music, fast intense movements to the beat, ahhh luvin it. (I will never do yoga or pilates, they would actually drive me absoloutely potty, farrr to slow for me)

So last night I went to Spin Class Intermediate - proud to say I spewed in my first class - paced it out of there like no tomorrow, just made it to the toilet - definitely a sign that I was pushing myself enough, yus! :) That wont happen for too long - just a shock to the body doing something different other than crosstrainer, and those Spin Class' are pretty ruthless, NOT as ruthless as the size of those Spin Bike SEATS though, fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip....apparently your butt hardens up and you get used to it after a few weeks, for now it just feels like your sitting directly on two metal poles....so I'm looking forward to some butt hardening up-age, now, a day later, it still feels like I'm sitting on the seat. Nastyyyy.

Today though, woke up and went to Flex class, pretty much another name for Pump, so you've got your dumbells, ya bar and stepbox - again SOOOO much fun! Not as hard as I thought, but I still dont think I'll be able to walk tomorrow - I felt a muscle in each of my thighs POP after about the 3rd song - which was a kajillion lunges....ACTUALLY a kajillion...and sometimes you might be lucky enough to just go down for one, and up for one...then down for two, up for two...but every so often...you go down for one...then BOUNCE for 8...freeeek, that is hard....the burn in your thigh after 6 sets of that.....extreeeeeeme. I think I'm abit of a fan of workout pain....but that is the only pain I like. Gets me all adrenalined up. Big fan.

So I'm feeling pretty amazing now - Flex this morning, then I made a smoothie for breakfast when I got home....chucked apples, bananas, a peach, frozen berries, handfuls of spinich and whatever else in the blender, delish. Then a apple and Raw bun for lunch, and avo tea, I've just had a juice, straight from our juicer (smoothie without all the fibre) - consisting of a heap of apples, carrots, a peach, teency bit of fresh ginger, then a whole stack of brocelli - actually tastes AMAZING.

Seriously the benefits of eating good and exercising are mufussa sized. You think your healthy and well and feeling awesome, but you sooo dont know the difference or how crap your ACTUALLY feeling, till you give your body some real nutrient high kai - and add a hour or so of cardio to your daily routine every day. Then you experience what feeling/being healthy feels like.

Looking forward to my fitness levels increasing, it's definitely gonna take a while, all the big words.... perseverance, dedication...rara.....but I'll get there. Exciting...


Friday, March 20, 2009

Childhood Goodness

Coming up to my 24th birthday, I'm thinking back to the good ol' days where you used to get up at 6am to watch Tv programmes as cool as Denver the Last Dinosaur and Captain Planet and TMNT before school....only to get interrupted by your mum or dad making your breakfast for you, packing your lunch, where you had your lunchbox you'd picked out from Kmart earlier in the year - inside the lunchbox would be an awesome homemade sandwich (unless it was tuckshop day each Friday, yus) cut up in triangles (if you had been a good girl) with cut up peices of fruit, then a snack or two, which could be tiny teddies...popcorn bar...mini pack of chippees, or 80c for a frozen juicy (heck I dug those frozen juicies)........get dropped to school, meet up with friends, and play on the monkey bars, play tiggy (or kiss'n catch - cept I was 5, trying to catch the oldest boys of the school....ha) or I would try and do handstands, but I always failed miserably. Colour in, in class, do crazy fun games to try learn your timestables, do awesome fun assignments about your favourite singer or sportsman, then make a big colourful chart about it, and present it to your class....

Then more play time with friends..... get picked up from school, watch abit of awesome innocent kids tv, like What Now, Carebears, The Cosby Show and Full House,or maybe do some jigsaw puzzles, or colour in, or ride your tricycle on the path in the backyard, muck around with your pets, or help mum make cookies....then mum and dad made you dinner, (where I quite frequently would sit at the table for hours upon hours until I ate my veges (brussel sprouts should be extinct) or rancid meat I never liked...only to never eat it, then get sent to my room with no pudding, a smack, and no light on, cos I was scared of the dark...) do your spelling homework, then go to bed after reading Uncle Arthurs Bedtime Stories AND maybe even scored a bubble bath, then mum or dad to pat your forehead until you fell asleep - my fave.

HECK they were the good ol' days! No cares in the world, innocent to everything, oblivious to all worries and stresses, you dont even know the meaning of the words. Your just living one day at a time, not even THINKING about the next day unless of course its your birthday, in which case you had a countdown chart months beforehand. One of the only cares you had was that your colouring pencils were sharpened, and that you hid the brush so mum wouldn't be able to brush your hair. (those knots were ruthless)

But those were cool days right.....where all the siblings and parents would be home at the end of the day, to sit round the table together for dinner, play games afterwards. No-one was 'too busy' or past the age of wanting to do that anymore, there were massive get togethers for the family for birthdays and christmas and guy fawkes - but now cousins are older, have kids of their own, family is too big to get together in one area, so it just doesn't happen anymore. Responsibilites keep growing, pressures and expectations increase and eventually it will be my turn for when I have kids of my own, if it's in Gods plan for me to have a family of my own.

Childlike faith - need to remember what thats like aye. NOTHING is too big or an impossibility when your lil. Anything can happen or come true. Need to not let negative opinions or 'routined traditions' of the world effect a childlike faith.

Childhood is soooo awesome! I am lucky enough to be able to say that - cuts me to the core aye, when you know there are thousands upon millions who have lived half their adult lives by the time they are even in double digits - with what they're eyes have seen, ears have heard, bodies have endured.

Cant wait to play games with those lil ones in heaven one day soon, where they can learn what love really feels like :) Lil kids rock my world - actually!... esp brown babies - if you couldn't already tell by the pics. :) (But sshh) :)

Childhood memories (and (brown) babies)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Red Balloon Days

So, I'm sharing my absoloute favourite website with you........

I can spend hours on this website, looking at all the things I would like to do.....

Because I feel like I have to justify myself with my favourite website being something for ME to enjoy, and cos that makes me feel quite selfish......another of my fave site is also Tearfund and more money goes on that that I ever would on redballoondays......AND I've only ever bought like...2 things off Red Balloon Days before......... phewf. Urg, still not justified, but yall know me hopefully......and know I'm not all......selfish like......ANYwayyyy....

But I dooooooooo realllllllly like this site, cos I'm abit of an adrenaline junkie, it's like a big ol' bag of cold hard crunchy plums to me - soooooooooooooo gooooooooood! :)


Things like:

* Sledge it. You hold onto a lil like floating board thing, and its just you and the teeny board, gunning it down this crazy rough river, down waterfalls - probably terrifying, but sooooo good. (possibly my fave one on here).
* Kayacking - again down crazy rough rivers and waterfalls
* Canyoning
* Horse trecks for two at Sunset
* Kayak rides at sunset, then they hook you up with a cute lil picnic thing
* Jetboat/ski riding
* Offroading in your own 4wd OR motorbike on hire, through bush and mud and forest, so much fun
* Test drive a racing car round the track a few times
* Glass bottom boat cruises (possibly quite boring, potentially quite romantic, definitely no adrenaline)
* Helicopter rides
* All the tourist stuff at Rotorua'n Queenstown
* This crazy thing where you and another person goes in between an instructor in this sleeping bag thing, and your up in the air checking out the sites, in like a hanglider, woh za!
* and so so SOOOOOOOOO much more......

I can actually spend hours on this site. I'm going to 'reward' myself with something on this site if I pass everything end of the year for uni, my daily readings on Perseverance from the amazing Bob Gass, prayer, support from friends, and with an adventure off this site in mind as my reward at the end of this year - will definitely get me through the rough times.

This one is definitely top of the list - oh yay-yah!

SUCH a fan. Gold star for redballoondays.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wave Farewell To My Beloved Summer Fruits

I have bid farewell to my Beloved Summer Fresh Fruits. It is quite a traumatic time in the world of Rita Lee. I often am heard wailing in the still hours of the night. Fruit consists of a mufussa sized part of my diet, with being as Rawist as I possibly can - 80-90% genuinely. The benefits of me eating Raw - well thats a whole nother blog post in itself. BUT my Summer Fruits are slowly fadddding away, to the other side of the world, growing on trees in the amazing tropics where they grow all year round (I think). A large number of Rawists live in Hawaii for that very reason.
SO, now my Raw Smoothies arn't nearly as amazing as they were in Summer. BUT thats where experimenting comes into the picture. Today my raw smoothie consisted of.

A Apple
A Peach
A Banana
A handful (or two) of Spinich
A handful of frozen berries
1 tsp of Cinnamon
1 tsp of Coconut Oil (dont let the 'oil' mislead you, it is 'oil' that is hard as a rock in texture)

Absense makes the heart grow fonder so they say..........so look for me in the produce isle next summer, mangos, pineapples, coconuts and strawberries will be rolling off my trolley like no tomorrow. Mmmmm, I'm hummina hummina-ing at the thought of it.

Summer Fruits

Fresh Perspective

So a lady came to my church the other night, a guest speaker from an organisation called 'Fresh Perspective'. We never have guest speakers coming to talk to us about organisations (except Mercy Ships, yus) so I knew they must be good.

It's aimed at anyone with children. Basically they have a contact center-ish type thing. Whenever a man/woman is struggling they call this centre and they are matched up with someone, of the same gender, roughly the same age, similar background, who can walk alongside them, be a mentor, a friend, just SOMEONE so that the person just doesn't have to go through the situation or just LIFE in general alone. The guest speaker (I forget her name now) told us one story of a 60 year old woman, just alone, with no-one to talk to, she had grandchildren, called up Fresh Perspective, and was matched up with a lady the same age, same amount of grandchildren AND also the grandchildren were of the same age, same pets, same background, both husbands had just passed away, and even better, the ladies lived only walking distance away from each other. Now they can share life together, mentor and support each other, and just have a friend. They take alot of consideration in who they match people up with - so people have been through the same thing, from loved ones passing away, to health struggles, to addictions, whatever.

Soooo many people are alone. They think they have to go through everything by themselves, and it honestly sucks. I dont know a way of reaching these people, only to be Jesus to everyone you meet. There is that quote 'be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle'. I hate knowing there may be some people out there that dont have someone they can text or call up when they need someone to talk to, that dont have someone they can ask for help, that get forgotton, feel unloved and just struggle hour by hour, day by day through a horrible dark life.

So, obviously I am a big fan of this organisation.

There is a training weekend coming up, which I wanted to attend, so I can be on the list of mentors that can possibly be matched up with somebody, should somebody call up. BUT, because I dont have kids, I could never be a mentor for this organisation. Makes me wanna go out and have a baby of my own....but not quite enough.

If you know of anyone struggling, or you yourself have kids/grandchildren and either need a mentor/friend, and/or can be one yourself for another person, take a look. http://www.freshperspective.org.nz/

For those of you who dont have kids, like me:
I've JUST found this link for people like us, so take a look http://www.brothersinarms.co.nz/
Brothers in Arms - Organisation for children who need a positive role model in their lives - 1/2 a day a week.



Organisations that help people not to be alone.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Growing up with Tv in the early 90's

So why cant ads be as cool as this ad anymore? Ad's like this are sooo intensly awesome and catchy and innocent, and just soooo cool ! Rock on to the ads of the early 90's! My brother sent this to me a few days ago, reminiscing about the good ol' days..... now i cant get it outta my head... "I'm the polar pop bear, POLAR POP POLAR POP. ha, love it.

Other ads that deserve a special mention from this fanTAStic era....

"Looking fine, dancing to Columbine, looking good and I knew that you would" with the foxy, 90's dressed woman dancing around in their Columbine stockings.....classic.

".....Have a crunchie, hokey pokey bar, Golden crunchine hokey pokey bar" when the train is being held up by the Westy Cowboys and lil old Nana in the end gets the treasure, of Golden Crunchie Bars. Scoreeee Nana.


"This lil angel has a secret love, DONT GET CAUGHT.......such a devious boy lalalala....DONT GET CAUGHT...and she simply cant resist.....dont get caught with egg on your face, cant resist that.......Cadburrrrry creme eggggggg.

Go the 90's, I miss you! :)

The Polar Pop Ad & The 90's.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Wow! What an absoloutely amazing movie.
I loved it.
It has most definitely made its way in my top 5.....3....movies. I cant put it in the same ball park as my musicals or any other movie for that matter, cos it's on a wholeeee nother scale.

All I was hoping for in it, was to see lots of beautiful Indian children, that would remind me of the beautiful children I saw in Bangladesh (when I went on a Mission Trip back in 06).

It was such a diverse group of emotions though, all through that movie - I'd be getting sore cheeks from smiling so much at the beautiful bubbaz, and from seeing them running from the cops at the beginning'n being lil cheeky rascals, to the AWESOME snippets of the hot hot Amitabh Bachchan - woohooo. Then I'd be flashing back to walking through the slums in Bangladesh, the smells of curry and amazing food stalls, the poverty, walking over the miles and miles of rubbish heaps, with fires all throughout them, as well as tents where children and families are living - then I'd be crying, the bit that just crushed me'n made the tears fall, was when the pimp (how Jesus forgives people like that I have no idea, I obviously need more of him in me) made the beautiful boy sing - gassed him with the toxins, then poured whatever it was on his eyes to make him blind so he gets more money begging - made me sick to the stomach, broke my heart, made me want to reach into the screen, pull the little boy out, hug him and never let him go. Then to know that this isn't Hollywood, this is reality, and is happening over there right now, probably always has been, and probably always will. You can just seem so helpless, being one person in this ridicuously wealthy, clean, safe country in comparison, to even making the slightest difference - I just wanna adopt them all, the forgotton, the helpless. Like Mama Heidi (if you havn't seen that, do). THEN I'd be hacked off something chronic, about the stupid decisions Salim, Jamil's brother made, gahhhh. Where is the line though, to what you do to survive in extreme situations/surroundings like that....... reminds me of that song Changes by 2Pac....a conversation between two guys.

"I made a G today"
but you made it in a sleazy way, sellin crack to the kids
"But I gotta get paid"
well hey, thats the way it is...

Crazy hard situations lead to that line being pushed more and more, not that I've seen that line living in this 1st world country, so I could never understand, but yep......one big phat ugly vicious cycle.

Also, one thing that got me, was the beggers again. What they showed is alot of what you see, of course there is so so much more when it comes to beggers. So it blew me away, and confused me so much, when it showed Samil (the chosen 'dog' by the pimp) snatch the baby off the gurl, and give it to Latika, because THAT would be sure to get her more money begging. Also when the kids all scattered at once, like 20 of them, up against windows, doing the hand to mouth action, cos that is exactly what the lil kids do over there. So it just made me think whats behind all the child beggers that I gave to in Bangladesh, did they have a horrible pimp like that man, who took it all, treated them like crap, created half the injuries and deformities himself that the children had, to get himSELF more money? Makes me so sick even thinking about it. I actually dont know how Jesus does it, forgives like that. Inconcievable. :( I only ever gave food to the lil kids, cos I did fear of them having pimps behind the scenes that would just take whatever money I gave them, but I didn't think pimps would be as fierce as the Slumdog one. So biscuits or crackers were a safe thing to give I felt. But yea, really made me question and start to feel ill and horrible for all the lil shnookies walking the streets - how could/would you have any idea of their background? :(

Anyway, the movie was so absoloutely amazing, the realness, the utter rawness of it all, the beautiful children, the vibrant colours, the music, the emotions it stirred, the reference of Amitabh and the Bollywood dance at the end. Everything about it. My fave.

Slumdog Millionaire.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Drama Drama Drama

One of the very few things I was good at in High School was Drama, I'm definitely not even great at all, not being modest, just genuinely know I'm not that flash, but I still reallllllllllllly like acting up a scene. :)

Tonight in uni, as soon as I heard the words ROLE PLAY, I was all ears. :)

My groups situation was 'a little boy is running around the daycare and all he's doing is disrupting others, what do you do'?

Now we had to do a bad reaction from a teacher and a good one.........I got the role as the bad reacting teacher - yus!

So basically I just got to shout my guts out at this poor lil kid (Really a 21 year old chick on her knees) tower over the poor lil bubba, call him bad and naughty and ridicule him, grab him, chuck him in the corner, threaten him not to move, then advise him he aint gonna be gettin no chocolate cake for afternoon tea.

But yep, gave me ma jollies.

One day, I'm going to force myself to be in a musical, ha.

I cant dance, sing or act good by ANY means (again, not being modest, I'm just very much aware that I cant, ha) but I shall say 'Lord, I'm down with you not blessing me with any of these three talents, but I AM going to pretend now and again like you HAVE, and have the time of my life, so enjoy Lord, have abit of a laugh - give front row seats to my Poppa up there in heaven, he'll just shake his handsome lebanese head and mutter 'Salma' - Drama Queen in Lebanese :) yus!
