Monday, June 15, 2009

Goji Goodness

What The Dang Is A Goji Berry?

WELL, a Goji Berry is a shrivelled up raisin lookin thing, cept RED! It's found growin on evergreen shrubs, in subtropical places round China, Mongolia and within the Himalayas in Tibet!

WHY would you wanna eat this nasty lookin shrivelled thing?

Why WOULDN'T you is the question! Goji berries are SUUUUUPA high in's got some goood quality thangs in it, one in particular is 'zeaxanthin' - one of 'zeaxanthins' key thingees is to protect the retina of the eye, yay for vision! Studies say by having foods containing Zeaxanthin may decrease the risk of people aged 65 years plus develop AMD (age related macular degeneration) the leading cause of blindness and loss of sight in that age group. Woh siz.

Chinese Herbal Doctors Know Their Stuff....Would THEY use Goji Berries?

Heck YEA they would! They DO! Only for the past 6,000 (!!!) years! Even Herbal doctors in Tibet and India, thats a long time! Some of the reasons these herbal doctors have used Goji Berries and its juice is to:

  • Improve Circulation
  • Strengthen yo legs
  • Crank your immunity up
  • Help your eyesight
  • Protect your friend 'the liver'
  • Boost your....(whisper) sex drive...
  • Improve Longevity - no harm in sticking around abit longer aye.

What Medical Tests Have Been Done On Goji Berries? far, only a few. SEVERAL 'test-tube' studies have been done prove goji has antioxidents AND that goji extracts MAY prevent the growth of cancer cells, reduce blood glucose and reduce cholestorol levels, when eaten raw. The fact they used the word MAY kills alot of excitment of this 'test-tube' study which would be a whole lot more exciting if the word 'may' just wasn't there.......BUT a study of cancer patients were followed, and the 79 that were having goji juice and raw goji berries all rssonded a whole heap better to treatment than those who had no goji in their diets.

So, I have me a pack of goji berries, pretty crazy expensive, and taste like disgustingness in a berry form, BUT I munch them all up with some raw cacao beans in a teeny tiny grinder thingee, with some water and a banana, otherwise those lil hardnut berrys dont munch up. THEN I chuck all that glorious muck into my big ol mufussa sized blender, full of fruity and spinich muck, then mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm so good! Brown slop with Goji Goodness, soooo good for ya! :) Do it! :)

Reet Likes Goji

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