Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 1 - Rawsomeness

So Day 1 of 12week raw challenge is finished. Success.

Feelin goooood.

I dont know why I came off it when I started raw last year (November 08). After a few months of looking into it, investigating online, talking to people online, checking out youtube, raw websites, it looked so good! So did abit of a transitioning period, went through some crazy detox time - headaches, sleeping for extra long amounts of time, then not sleeping at all, getting dizzy, mad cravings, mood swings, - to come out the other side feeling better than I'd ever felt my ENTIRE LIFE- mentally and physically. I actually felt amazing aye, it was ridiculous the change I felt, SO GOOD. The food was INCREDIBLE and I hadn't even learnt any (gormet) recipes, I just did the basic Nori Rolls, Green smoothies, Fruit smoothies, and Fresh fruit and veg'n salads..nothing fancy, just live, natural raw foods. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tasty - esp in Summer - fresh plums, peaches, nectarines, berries, strawberries, pineapple, yummmmmmmmmmmm!

So, why I slowly eased back into the SAD (Standard American Diet) way of eating who knows...I lasted through christmas even, with all that tasty looking christmas kai that only gets busted out once a year. Meanwhile, I've been feeling grottier again, physically and mentally, health has deterroriated, skin is dry again, also the spots related to my condition are getting their red colouring back again (not good), my leg is getting worse, mentality deterroriating............suck suck suck. Oh the best of all, i'm putting on the weight i lost - oh glory glory.

SO, after a fun weekend in Wellington for Queens birthday, and NO raw food, and a wholeeeeeee lotta stomach cramps and not fun times, today is the day I have started a 12week raw challenge with my good friend Hannah Mac (http://www.aychblog.com/). Transition time starts again - the intention is to have just the one cooked meal a day, most likely dinner with it being winter and so freakishly cold. After the first two weeks I reassess.

I have no doubts that I will mess up now and again, or have days where my raw intake drops abit for different reasons, but it's not gonna be 'Monday' when i start again, or 'next week' or 'next month', it'll be the following morning. I'm not sure i'll ever be 100% Rawist, I'd love to think so, and maybe some day I will - as I look more into it, and view more videos on raw, read more books and blogs, talk to more rawists and natural doctors, hear testimonies, and see evidence AND I have experienced it firsthand, it seems more and more beneficial to have the highest raw intake possible....just makes sense.

I'm salivating over the recipes I've just checked out, and am actually craving my nori roll tomorrow, my fruit smoothie, and my raw milkshake in the morning. I'll fill you in on the ingredients in the DEEEELICIOUS raw milkshakes I have every morning - straight from the cow baby, soooooooooooooooooooooooo good!

Looking fwd to Day 2 - yummmmmmmmmmmm!

Starting Over

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