Mother Teresa said, 'A day lived without showing love for others, is a day not worth living.'
Loving people must be a way of life, a fixed attitude, a commitment we make every day.
William Barclay said: 'More people have been brought into the church by the kindness of real Christian love than by all the theological arguments in the world. And more people have been driven from the church by the hardness and ugliness of so-called Christians than by all the doubts in the world.'
Being unselfish in attitude strikes at the very core of our being. It means we are willing to forego our own comfort, our own preferences, our own schedule, our own desires for another's benefit. And that brings us back to Christ.' - Bob Gass

There are those people that are sooooo easy to love then there are the ones that are not so easy...liiiiike...for me...
I really dont love those boy racer fellaz who love freaking me out late at night in my car by side swiping it, wanting to play tag or race or whatever....I want to NOT love them and ram my car into theres....
Like those people who yell and scream and abuse you for no reason (talking when I spent nearly 4years in the bank here) just because you're there and they are having a bad day.....= easy target. Honestly I got abused so much, people are verrrrrry anal about their money. And not once was it anything I'd done. This one lady I still remember ACTUALLY yelled at me for being TOO happy! She let it rip in the bank. My face went sooooo red, I wished her well then went out the back and had a cry, man was she evil. I didn't love her.
If any.single.person hurt my niece, I would very very very much not like them. I would want to lock them in isolation and feed them slugs and raw chicken. If a drunk or speeding driver owned a car with my family in it....I would struggle with forgiveness and want to introduce them to a hungry pitbull....or let them play kiss and catch with a crocodile.
I gotta remember here, I AINT Jesus....I am human....frick, but so was he....
Ummmm. Guts.
I do love, very very very much. I guess I just want to act more like him towards those people who the majority of the world would react with bitterness and hate and anger towards......the boyracers, the angus members of public, the rapists, the pedophiles, the murderers, the drink drivers, the backstabbers and manipulators, whoever....and see them as Jesus sees them. Because now, when I see a terrorist on t.v who just sassed hundreds of lives....or a guy whose just stabbed some innocent old lady 80 times in her home, or the guy whose just been caught for raping 12 woman over a few months, or the drunk driver who killed a young couples 3 children, or the pedophile who just got found out for sexually abusing his nieces and nephews, or the industries overseas which lure in young girls from the age of 5 to sell them for sex....I definitely dont have a feeling of love towards them. I want to cry for the families of the victims and feel an automatic love for them.....but for the accused/guilty....aint no lovey dovey feelings there.
What does loving those people look like? Even though I might not meet them, having a heart which reflects how Jesus would see them, react, respond and talk about them is what I want aye.

Times like this (and a kaillion other times too) I wish I could just get on the phone to Jesus and book him in for an appointment to get his face to face opinion/advice on it all. That would be super sweet AND suuuuuper convenient! :D
Jesus' Style of Luff
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