Years ago I recognized my kinship with all living things, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on the earth. I said then and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it; while there is a criminal element, I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
Eugene V. Debs
I love that quote....I just wish good ol' Eugene didn't stop there....I wish he kept writing to include so many
While there are the forgotten, the hated, the neglected, the unloved.
While there are the physically and mentally abused.
While there are the cheated, the betrayed, the forgotten, the castaways.
While there are the kids taken from Cyfs, the teens thrown out or run away from home.
While there are the teen pregnancies, the teen abortions.
While there are the eating disorders and the self harmers.
While there are the drug addicts and alcoholics.
While there are the terminally ill.
While there are the street kids and gangs.
While there are the refugees, prostitutes and strippers.
While there are the burglars, thieves and rapists.
While there are the blind, deaf, crippled and deformed.
While there there the forgotten, the hated, the neglected, the unloved.
I am THERE, I am relating to THEM, I'm putting my needs second to them, I am LOVING them.
While there is the unloved...I can love, because I am loved - unconditionally.
At some point we all fail to love unconditionally, if someone betrays us, we can react without love, if someone lies, cheats, uses, abuses, ignores, rejects, backstabs, gossips, acts different, looks different to us or to what we are comfortable with, we might love...but not unconditionally.
Love those words of the hosanna song...
Heal my heart and make it clean;
SHOW ME HOW TO LOVE LIKE YOU, HAVE LOVED ME (<------ unconditional love)
Everything I am for your Kingdoms cause;
As I walk from earth into Eternity.
Praying for that to ring true in my life aye.
Walk the Talk.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The animal created by Accident - the Cat
So, it's too late now, I'm going to have nightmares....I just google imaged 'evil cat' which wasn't hard...and def isn't short of images - which proves my point they are nothing BUT evil....a complete accident of an animal created probably only when God sneezed...which in ancient days people thought you're soul left your body when you sneezed...which is probably what happened when God created 'cats', in that short time when he sneezed and his soul/spirit left his body, evil came in for that split second...and formed....The Cat....
I was home alone today...had been in my room for ages....walked downstairs to go out....went to turn the lounge light on....and this CAT...freeken stray that had been LOCKED in my house was throwing a absoloute SKITZ, running up and down the ranchslider at the back of the lounge, freaking out knowing it had company in the house it had randomly decided to get locked in....then it started trying to get OUT of the ranchslider by running INTO the glass I dont know how many times. Phsyco!
Naturally, I fa-reaked out....ran upstairs and locked myself in my room, leaving the front door open....I didn't come down for ages....but ran out the front door and closed it after turning the alarm on...waited to see if the alarm went off, then left down the driveway. Came BACK, thought 'maybe the alarm isn't set to go off for small evil demons like cats', so caned it in the front door and back into my room...and locked the door. Didn't come out till a flatmate came home!
It should be a public holiday when the world finally decides to make cats extinct.
I live in hope for that day....
Friday, November 19, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Poppa Grandad
We had a old guy speak at our church tonight, he spoke about introducing God to children and it not just being about bible stories, etc.
Whenever I talk to or interact with an old man whose really warm and friendly and loving, I want to CLAIM him as my poppa or grandad....tonights guy would be a awesome grandad i bet. :)
I never had a grandad or Poppa. My Poppa (mums dad) died a couple of years before I was born and my Grandad (dads dad) died before I turned 1 of cancer. So I got jipped of having one. I really wish I did and have always wanted to claim me a old man I can call Poppa or Grandad. I remember my principal in Intermediate, I really wanted to claim him as my grandad. He was all grey haired and funny and loving but strict at the same time, and just looked like the cliche grandad.
My Grandad will be in heaven, I'm looking forward to seeing him there and getting to know him. It's expected my Poppa gave his heart to the Lord in his final days, I sure hope so. I've always felt without knowing why that my Poppa would have really changed my life, for the better.....and/or just had a really significant part of my life. He was my lebanese Poppa, all brown and handsome like (in a grandaughter kind of way) and his stories of his life were amazing, he was a truely remarkable man. :)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Love Lost
"And if you flash your heart, Iiiii Iiii wont deny ittt."
" I promise."
" So if you flash your heartttt, I wont mistreat it."
" I promise!".
"Keep me in mind,
When you're ready,
I am here,
To take you every-time".
Loving this song right now though.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Fruity Spirit
Mother Teresa said, 'A day lived without showing love for others, is a day not worth living.'
Loving people must be a way of life, a fixed attitude, a commitment we make every day.
William Barclay said: 'More people have been brought into the church by the kindness of real Christian love than by all the theological arguments in the world. And more people have been driven from the church by the hardness and ugliness of so-called Christians than by all the doubts in the world.'
Being unselfish in attitude strikes at the very core of our being. It means we are willing to forego our own comfort, our own preferences, our own schedule, our own desires for another's benefit. And that brings us back to Christ.' - Bob Gass

There are those people that are sooooo easy to love then there are the ones that are not so easy...liiiiike...for me...
I really dont love those boy racer fellaz who love freaking me out late at night in my car by side swiping it, wanting to play tag or race or whatever....I want to NOT love them and ram my car into theres....
Like those people who yell and scream and abuse you for no reason (talking when I spent nearly 4years in the bank here) just because you're there and they are having a bad day.....= easy target. Honestly I got abused so much, people are verrrrrry anal about their money. And not once was it anything I'd done. This one lady I still remember ACTUALLY yelled at me for being TOO happy! She let it rip in the bank. My face went sooooo red, I wished her well then went out the back and had a cry, man was she evil. I didn't love her.
If any.single.person hurt my niece, I would very very very much not like them. I would want to lock them in isolation and feed them slugs and raw chicken. If a drunk or speeding driver owned a car with my family in it....I would struggle with forgiveness and want to introduce them to a hungry pitbull....or let them play kiss and catch with a crocodile.
I gotta remember here, I AINT Jesus....I am human....frick, but so was he....
Ummmm. Guts.
I do love, very very very much. I guess I just want to act more like him towards those people who the majority of the world would react with bitterness and hate and anger towards......the boyracers, the angus members of public, the rapists, the pedophiles, the murderers, the drink drivers, the backstabbers and manipulators, whoever....and see them as Jesus sees them. Because now, when I see a terrorist on t.v who just sassed hundreds of lives....or a guy whose just stabbed some innocent old lady 80 times in her home, or the guy whose just been caught for raping 12 woman over a few months, or the drunk driver who killed a young couples 3 children, or the pedophile who just got found out for sexually abusing his nieces and nephews, or the industries overseas which lure in young girls from the age of 5 to sell them for sex....I definitely dont have a feeling of love towards them. I want to cry for the families of the victims and feel an automatic love for them.....but for the accused/guilty....aint no lovey dovey feelings there.
What does loving those people look like? Even though I might not meet them, having a heart which reflects how Jesus would see them, react, respond and talk about them is what I want aye.

Times like this (and a kaillion other times too) I wish I could just get on the phone to Jesus and book him in for an appointment to get his face to face opinion/advice on it all. That would be super sweet AND suuuuuper convenient! :D
Jesus' Style of Luff
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Fear or Love
What's it better to be driven by with God?
Fear or Love?
Or doesn't it matter?
I dont know if everyone is the same....but in doing good, I am driven by love for him. When I am tempted to do something not so Jesus like, whether it's a thought, a action, a re-action, something you dont do when you should, whatever....the thing which stops me doing it, is by fear of what God may do. Not out of love. Most of the time anyway.
Also, ever had anything happen, which at the time was so insanely horrible, totally testing/challenging, a real nightmare, tough tough time to live through....but looking back on it now, you see the good in that happening, and how it saved you from a whole lot of other stuff happening and can see how you are stronger or wiser because of it? What if that challenging time doesn't go away though? Like....someone who was in a accident, lost their leg or whatever. Looking back they can see how it may have saved them from making other tragic mistakes in life or taking the 'wrong road in life' and they have learnt that lesson or come out stronger because of it - doesn't mean they can go grow a leg back now though can they? So they are stuck with that their whole life. It'd be so good if you could learn lifes lessons, then when your at that time where you dont need that lesson to remind you every day for the rest of your life to be there, because you are stronger, you are wiser, you are more mature, etc. That when you got to that stage, it went away. I suppose that isn't life though is it, like a woman who has a baby, then learns her lesson, cant very well just have her baby go back into a egg and boy bit again can she. Life.
Does anyone else look forward to heaven as much as I do? I dont know what to expect with heaven....the line in the song Amazing Grace, always makes me think about it...''When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the Son/Sun(?), we've no less days to sing his praise than when we first begun''. So.....I totally love Jesus...and probably sound like the lamest person in the (christian) world saying this...but TEN THOUSAND YEARS...praising, I doubt that it'd even be possible for people in heaven to get tired of doing that, but are we gonna be on our harps and singing and bowing to God for eternity? Which, as a Jesus fan I should probably be stoked about....but since I was little, I've always asked God for my 'heavenly reward' to be brushing those lions aye. Ha, I'd be pretty happy keeping those lions looking good, by brushing their fur and manes all eternity long. Maybe have a sneaky ride every now and again, use them as a pillow when it's time for a avo nap in the meadow with the waterfall in the background. :D Scenery in heaven is going to be a winner yea! And i'm pretty excited about a new heavenly body too - I told God (several times) that I'm going to be the one running round heaven in her undies for a few years, stoked with the new heavenly body I've got. :D Looking forward to meeting my Poppa, he died before I was born, supposedly gave his life to the Lord in his last hours. Look forward to seeing my beautiful Uncle Don again, died 12years ago. My Nana x2. My Grandad Chook, he died before I was 1. And for my own piece of mind, I like to think that dogs go there too, so see my 4dogs up there. No cats in heaven though, that'd be crazy and a big mistake on God's part if he allowed them into heaven. ;) But yep, looking forward to heaven. can you even fathom that.
I wander when it will be...the rapture, be super stoked if it came in this lifetime. Love my whanu to go to heaven together, in the rapture, without any of us having to mourn the loss of each other. Supposedly there are signs happening on Earth that it is coming soon, but how long has that been happening for? I think that there are still things I'd like to do on Earth before the rapture, like find love, get married, adopt and/or have some kids. But, I think a trip to heaven for eternity would be a pretty good alternative if it were to happen. The amount of love you'd feel and get 'up' there would probably sass any of the love you'd get from a partner or kids down here anyway. Cant imagine anything being as awesome as what Jesus' love must be like. Imagining a hug with him gets me in tears everytime aye, when I'm needing a dose of love, I picture that in my head. And cos it's in my head, I can be a Jesus hog, so I do, and he's just the right height for my head to nestle into his chest, and he cuddles nice'n tight, not all limp and creepy like some people..AND he doesn't let go. I'm really really looking forward to a real life Jesus hug. You have to wait in line, cos I'm gonna hog him for ages, and you cant push in, cos then I'd just do my secret whistle to 'my' lions that i'll be looking after up there, then you and my lions can wrestle together, while I get my hug on.
Jesus Hugs, Lions and Eternal Thinking.
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