I go through stages or phases of not 'being into' prayer...Times when I get frustrated with prayer and don't wanna be a part of it, but be patient and close my eyes and reluctantly listen anyway (this doesn't happen often, but it does happen) then there are times, like tonight, where it's so....uplifting and encouraging. I'm all overwhelmed at the moe, for the next 3 weeks, because I have 3x2000 word essays to write, a practicum to do and all the work that goes with that, plus my work I have to get done from my own centre. Plus it's the 3weeks leading up to Christmas, so tonnes of social thangs on and my sister from another mister is coming back from England and staying with me for a week and I already have commitments within that week, let alone study and I want some serious catchup time with ma sister from another mister. SO, bla bla, feeling all overwhelmed and stress bally. BUT, after our flat Thursday night chat with my amazzzzing flatmates, and our prayer sesh, I feel like I can handle the jandle of the next 3 weeks.
I'm also writing this for my own accountability so that when I wake up tomorrow morning, or have a freak out dance over the weekend from being well and truely OVER assignment writing, I can read back on this and remember the prayers ma flat dudes prayed. :) Even small things like 'that i'll be surprised with how much I can get done, and how much I can write the words and information I come up with' and that 'i will have a hardout.....like 'dose' of motivation and perseverance and just..the ABILITY to do it all'. Stoked. :) Easy to please. :)
Totally realized the importance...like it finally hit home (took 25years, but finally tonight) about how important it is to spend some chill-out alone time with ma Jesus aye. Fully prayed for it to be a desire, and a priority rather than something to 'fit in' or do the rushed 5mins before sleep time, or 5mins rushed in the morning, but that it's a totally spesh time you put into each day.
I've never been more exposed to prayer than I have this year, or had so much of it - in groups. I've always prayed every night before bed...well mostly. There will also be stages/phases where i wont, but they never last long. But in terms of group prayer, nevvvver so much as this year, challenging...for me...because I def prefer my alone Jesus chats, but.....good.
I'm glad Jesus is patient, cos no-one else could put up with my excessive rambling.
The words 'concise' & 'summarize' will never be in my vocabulary. I am incapable of being/doing those things.:)
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