Sunday, April 11, 2010


Lately, I've really been missing the good ol' hymns at church. And hymns how they used to be sung, not spruced up and made all 'up to date' to get hip with this generation...just the classic old school hymns. I used to go to a church called Calvary Bible Church when I was a piddler and all there was were hymns, so when I wasn't in sunday school singing songs like 'If i were a butterfly'...I was in the congregation singing the hymns and I just MISS them sometimes. Somehow, sometimes they just seem like they have so much more meaning and depth to the songs ya know?

I think music is my (?) to connecting best with God or when I feel closest or just....that's yea, when I connect and feel closest to God is through music and just singing (as terrible as I sound) but I love it! Tonight we sung Amazing Grace at church, but it had this random chorus bit in it that didn't exsist back in the day, and was to a total different tune.....I guess ya just go through stages of missing familiar things when you were growing up huh.....

The one verse which always blows me away out of Amazing Grace is the verse...

Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days, to sing God's praise,
Than when we first begunnnn.

TEN THOUSAND YEARSSSSSS? can you even imagine! That sometimes gives me the kick in the bootay that I need to what I spend my time thinking about. The pointless things on this Earth I worry and stress over that are SO temporary. Because this is simply a BLINK...literally, a measly lil BLINK of a time we are even here on Earth..then we go to heaven for ETERNITY? TEN THOUSAND YEARS will be a blink compared to eternity..FLIP! Can you even fathom that? I cant comprehend/fathom 'eternity' much as a baby human forms in a ladies stomach from a teeny lil peice of icky with a normally painful lil punk of a egg....and 9months later a FULLY FORMED HUMANNNNNNN makes it's way out of a area which is way harsh...BUT a HUMANNNN just CREATED itself from those two tiny things? I dont think I will ever lose the WOW-ness of that.....much like the TEN THOUSAND YEARS thing - wow wow wowww!!!

Another verse from a hymn i like is the

We have an anchor, that keeps the soul;
Steadfast and sure as the billows role...
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Saviours Love.

and all the lyrics in 'What a Friend we have in Jesus'...and 'Because he lives'...

Just good childhood memories singing these ones, even though at the time I thought they were so slow and boring, but now....I miss them every so often.

I still definitely love todays songs though. :) Music is just real important to me, because that just seems to be when I feel closest to God. As well as through prayer of course with my 4 lil Jesus images I have going on in my head when I pray.

Jesus is just the man huh. I dont pay him a fraction of the attention he deserves, if he was a friend down here that loved me as much as he loves me and I treated him how I do, he would have run a mile years ago by now. I just cannot wait for a Jesus hug! One hug from him will make up for all the crap experienced down here on Earth! :)


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