Wednesday, February 11, 2009

7 Things You Dont Know About Meeeee.

So, I'm doing this for Hannah ( who tagged me into her quiz like this. It is quiteeee hard thinking up 7 things nobody knows...cos I'm pretty open, and those things people dont know about me, I prefer to keep it that way - scandelous! :) SO, here are the things I came up with:

My lil Shnookface Golliwog Neice with my dog Jack - too cute. :)

Here we go:

1: I Talk To Myself.

It's true, at night, not every night, but most, I talk to myself. My mum snapped me a few years back and had many questions - yay for the new lock on my door. :) I dont even know how it started, but I just have conversations between me and other people, friends/strangers/whoever, but I conviniently (can never spell that lame word) speak on behalf of all people involved in the conversation - doesn't mean it always goes my way, cos it doesn't, but yep, I have some greatttt chats. Its' about everything and anything! :) When I talk, I just whisper, orrrrr they just happen in my head. Very entertaining. I'll let you know the next time me and YOU have a chat. ;) Diagnosis: Overactive brain, unacademic related. :)

2. I Hate Conflict.

I am definitely not a fan of it - if I can avoid it I will. There are some odd people who do the Raw Diet (go RAWWWW) - they are very.......weird, hippystyle. I might join them on that aspect where life is all rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns, with harps playing in the background - definitely a life worth living. ;p

3. I stole a pack of Hubba Bubba from Kmart when I was 8ish.

Mum wouldn't let me have it, and I wanted it so bad, so when she wasn't looking, at the isle, I took it from the shelf and put it in my pocket. When I came home, I put it in my jewlerry box that had a lock in it - each time I went to get a peice, I'd make sure every member of my family was busy, closed my door, unlock the box then get a peice out. When my brother saw me chewing, and asked for a peice and where I got it from, I burst into tears, fa REAKING out he'd find out that I stole it. I've never stolen again.
4. I think trampolines are the devil, in the form of a recreational activity.

I've broken a arm, a wrist, a ankle and had a finger squashed and fall off from a trampoline, all different occasions. The finger is back on - just a lil crooked, thank the LORD! Also, when my foot got broken on it, on a holiday in Rotorua with the whanu, thats when they discovered my foot was worse than just a break - and when they diagnosed me with my condition - NF1. Freeken trampolines. Will never get me on one of those puppies again in this lifetime.

5. I've always had a thing for older men.

When I was young young, like under 7, I had a crush on Daddy Warbucks from Annie, and Dick Van Dyke (unfortunate name) off Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I told mum I would marry them one day. But looking back now, I DID have pretty good taste in the old fellaz, check em out. Woooot.

Then I got to aged 10, and wrote in my school project, that I was going to be John Travoltas nanny for his kids, but eventually run away with him and leave his wife behind. Hmmm. The latest old man whose been deLISH, is Robert Redford, he's like nearly 70, but supa fly - acts as a cowboy in some movie, still workin it in his late 60's, kudos to you Robert.

6. When I'm on the crosstrainer, I imagine myself on stage singing the song that I'm listening to.

Yep, every single song I'm listening to that has lyrics (so minus most techno songs) I imagine myself singing it - but the great thing is, unlike reality where I cannot sing, dance or perform........... in my imagination I CAN! So, I'm ripping it up on stage, performing with a mic, massive crowd, and it's fantastic, certainly makes the minutes on the crosstrainer tick by. :) Much like any musical I watch, Hairspray, Moulin Rouge, Chitty Bang Bang, Annie, anything....I wanna be the lead female star. God must not have blessed me with a singing voice and dance moves for a reason - I would probably have to be forced, with some serious agression, to get off the stage. :) Note: This way of thinking may not be restricted to when only on the crosstrainer - is known to imagine these things at several other times also.

7. I used to want my branch to be robbed when I was in the bank.

Uh huh - I used to always hope, that one day the branch I was working at, would have a hold up. Quite a few branches around the area were getting done, and I had the job of purely looking for suspicious people lurking the area at that time, cos I was the one training the tellers I would walk the whole branch the whole day, so it didn't look scandelous me looking everywhere, etc. One day I saw a group of 5 guys, all placed in different areas of the mall, by the branch - giving different signals towards the FX (foreign exchange) area, which was totally seperate to the branch. I got sooo excited, had to call security, they bolted in no time, but yep, being an adrenaline junkie isn't always a good thing, wanting a bank robbery cant be good. :)................but WHAT a rush!

Just cos.........

The End.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Sorry to tell you sister, that i already knew like 3 of the things from your list... but, i guess i'll let it slide. THIS time.