My lil Shnookface Golliwog Neice with my dog Jack - too cute. :)
Here we go:
1: I Talk To Myself.
It's true, at night, not every night, but most, I talk to myself. My mum snapped me a few years back and had many questions - yay for the new lock on my door. :) I dont even know how it started, but I just have conversations between me and other people, friends/strangers/whoever, but I conviniently (can never spell that lame word) speak on behalf of all people involved in the conversation - doesn't mean it always goes my way, cos it doesn't, but yep, I have some greatttt chats. Its' about everything and anything! :) When I talk, I just whisper, orrrrr they just happen in my head. Very entertaining. I'll let you know the next time me and YOU have a chat. ;) Diagnosis: Overactive brain, unacademic related. :)
2. I Hate Conflict.
I am definitely not a fan of it - if I can avoid it I will. There are some odd people who do the Raw Diet (go RAWWWW) - they are very.......weird, hippystyle. I might join them on that aspect where life is all rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns, with harps playing in the background - definitely a life worth living. ;p

Mum wouldn't let me have it, and I wanted it so bad, so when she wasn't looking, at the isle, I took it from the shelf and put it in my pocket. When I came home, I put it in my jewlerry box that had a lock in it - each time I went to get a peice, I'd make sure every member of my family was busy, closed my door, unlock the box then get a peice out. When my brother saw me chewing, and asked for a peice and where I got it from, I burst into tears, fa REAKING out he'd find out that I stole it. I've never stolen again.
4. I think trampolines are the devil, in the form of a recreational activity.
I've broken a arm, a wrist, a ankle and had a finger squashed and fall off from a trampoline, all different occasions. The finger is back on - just a lil crooked, thank the LORD! Also, when my foot got broken on it, on a holiday in Rotorua with the whanu, thats when they discovered my foot was worse than just a break - and when they diagnosed me with my condition - NF1. Freeken trampolines. Will never get me on one of those puppies again in this lifetime.
5. I've always had a thing for older men.
When I was young young, like under 7, I had a crush on Daddy Warbucks from Annie, and Dick Van Dyke (unfortunate name) off Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I told mum I would marry them one day. But looking back now, I DID have pretty good taste in the old fellaz, check em out. Woooot.

6. When I'm on the crosstrainer, I imagine myself on stage singing the song that I'm listening to.
Yep, every single song I'm listening to that has lyrics (so minus most techno songs) I imagine myself singing it - but the great thing is, unlike reality where I cannot sing, dance or perform........... in my imagination I CAN! So, I'm ripping it up on stage, performing with a mic, massive crowd, and it's fantastic, certainly makes the minutes on the crosstrainer tick by. :) Much like any musical I watch, Hairspray, Moulin Rouge, Chitty Bang Bang, Annie, anything....I wanna be the lead female star. God must not have blessed me with a singing voice and dance moves for a reason - I would probably have to be forced, with some serious agression, to get off the stage. :) Note: This way of thinking may not be restricted to when only on the crosstrainer - is known to imagine these things at several other times also.
7. I used to want my branch to be robbed when I was in the bank.
Uh huh - I used to always hope, that one day the branch I was working at, would have a hold up. Quite a few branches around the area were getting done, and I had the job of purely looking for suspicious people lurking the area at that time, cos I was the one training the tellers I would walk the whole branch the whole day, so it didn't look scandelous me looking everywhere, etc. One day I saw a group of 5 guys, all placed in different areas of the mall, by the branch - giving different signals towards the FX (foreign exchange) area, which was totally seperate to the branch. I got sooo excited, had to call security, they bolted in no time, but yep, being an adrenaline junkie isn't always a good thing, wanting a bank robbery cant be good. :)................but WHAT a rush!

1 comment:
Sorry to tell you sister, that i already knew like 3 of the things from your list... but, i guess i'll let it slide. THIS time.
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