Friday, August 21, 2009

101 Things You Should Do Before Going To Heaven - No.7 - Get Comfortable In Your Own Skin

So a few months ago I said I'd bought a book called '101 things you should do before you go to heaven'.

The three latest entries I've read are my faves so far...I'll post one of them tonight:

Number 7: Get Comfortable In Your Own Skin

When you get a new pair of shoes, the only way to make them comfortable is to break them in. The same goes for your body. God has given you a one-of-a-kind physical form. He wove it together just for you and created it to reflect His glorious image. God intertwined both beauty and wander into it, inside and out. But your body is not an art object to be put on a pillar and admired. It's a tool that the real you, the eternal part of you that loves and creates and hopes and dreams and worships, uses while you're on this earth. Once you get to heaven, you'll recieve a new body-one that wont break down or wear out. But you're not there yet. So the more comfortable you are in the body you have right now, the better you'll be able to use it and enjoy it as each day here on earth unfolds.

You dont break in a new body by mistreating it. You need to take care of it, like any tool, so it can do its job well and last a long time. You break in a body by getting off the couch and becoming active whenever you get the chance. Get down on the floor and play with a child. Use your muscles to help your new neighbours move into their house. Put on a swimsuit and get some exercise, no matter what size that swimsuit is. Jump and skip and life and kneel, even if you jiggle and wiggle and need help getting up.

The less self-conscious you are, the better job you'll do at breaking in your body and becoming confortable with who you are and how you're made. So, ask God to help you put your inhibitions aside. Stop comparing yourself to others. Get up and get moving. There are places in this world where only a tool like you can do the job.



Temporary Earthly Bodies

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