Saturday, September 10, 2011

One Day At A Time

I've been remembering an old hymn the past few days, that I used to sing at the old church I used to go to when I was little....

One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking from you.
Just give me the strength
To do everyday what I have to do.
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord help me today, show me the way
One day at a time.

I have to replay that chorus over in my head daily, even hourly...minute(ly?) lately. Most nights when lights are out and I'm alone, it's prayers to Jesus, just imagining him and the love he has for me...imagining walking side by side with him, him hugging me, and just collapsing in his arms in a crying heap, overwhelmed from the acceptance and love that would feel like....which causes me to cry and just...i don't even know.....

Fears suck....can only assume they are the suckfest devils liking, could kick him in the nuts for his power of fears, which are so incredibly powerful....

Then I worry about everyone else in my life and the world robbing them of joy and thinking of ways to bring more joy in everyone else' life - so many people that I talk with are just void of joy, how can we bring the joy back in peoples lives??!!

Another thing I remember, is THIS LIFE IS TEMPORARY.....eternal life, perfected life is to no matter what comes my way, anyones's temporary....Heaven is my home, and I'll get there once my time on this journey is complete - but while on this journey, I'll try to remember hour by hour in the dusk of life, that hymn...."One day at a time".....

My image I feel blessed to have, of either sitting on the end of a jetty with Jesus...or walking through a meadow with him, or walking down a garden path (the most common) because the garden path image always ends in us stopping and him hugging me.....then I'm a big sugar lump of a mess....overwhelmed from the love and acceptance of an imaginary hug, that only Jesus could provide.

One day at a time.....

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