I try and remind myself to never underestimate the smallest of things....the small things are actually massive things to me, because of the massive impact they can potentially have...
I LOVE it when I'm out driving somewhere and I see someone walking down the street by themselves and they are smiling! Automatically makes me smile.....
Or when someone in their car smiles at you - not the dodgy guy type smiles, that come with a sly wink - I'm talking the genuine smiles from a stranger in their car. I LOVE those moments!!
Or when you are trying to get across a mad busy road and no-one is letting you in, then someone slows down and stops, or flashes their lights or gives you the friendly wave to signal you to merge into the traffic - they don't need to, and they might hack off an impatient driver behind them, but they let you go anyway!
Such the smallest things but they always make me smile.
So, I try and do those things as often as I can as well. Not because I have to, I just love to do them. When your smile is mirrored....that is the coolest...you smile..then they smile...wooohooooo, so cool !!
The real test of character is when and if and how I do those things (like smiling, letting people in, responding to a nutty driver with a smile instead of the expected hand on the horn/flippin the bird/bum chumming, etc) when I am in a rush or in abit of a mood or when it is inconvenient...but I think of ma Jesus and try my best. :)
But I like to think that someones day is made better by catching a smile from a stranger, whether that's me or whoever else..... and never want to underestimate the small things - like a smile to a stranger and what impact that might have. On the crappiest of days, it's insane how much impact a simple smile can have.
One thing I try and do as well, is if someone cuts me off, or zooms past me at crazy speeds, or zips in and out of traffic cutting people off, or just pain and simply is a nutcase on the roads.....I imagine to myself and purposely assume that MAYBE they have a pregnant wife in the car....or just a pregnant woman and are in a MAD rush to get to the hospital....and that's why they are being a loony on the roads... ORRRR that they have just received a phonecall that someone they know is in hospital...so they are acting crazy and speedy on the roads to get to the hospital as fast as they can....rather than getting piddled off that they are being ca-razy drivers because they are just plain ol' knob drivers. Choosing to believe the best of people in those situations in a toughy, but I'm practicing it as much as I can with drivers.
Anyway...point of this whole ramble....SMILING...such a simple RAK....Random Act of Kindness that can be done while driving...it's the coolest when it's mirrored back...and you definitely notice it on the occasional day where it's maybe hard to smile.....and then someone in their car does it to you....I dunno....can't explain it really - but it's just the coolest. I'm a fan.
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