Today, an horrific day, where just under two hours ago, lil 2year old girl Aisling Symes was found in a Septic Tank 200m where she went missing one week ago, dead, unsure of how long she was in there, or how she got there. The area is now cornered off as a crime scene while investigations are carried out. I cannot even BEGIN to imagine the gut-wrenching agony and pain the parents are going through - the guilt of the mother from turning her back for a matter of seconds when Aisling walked away from their property in Henderson. A strong christian couple that attend a local Baptist church in Henderson.....least baby Aisling is with her Jesus in heaven now. Prayers go out to the mum and dad.....again, cannot even comprehend the pain they will be experiencing. Ohh...I just ....I just actually cant imagine it....
That is one life lost.....
I was reminded by someone though....shortly after the news came out about Aisling...that this is 'just' one life. And yet this stirred up a wholeeeeeeeee lot more media and attention and compassion from people, than the 119 - sorry incase you missed that ONE HUNDRED AND NINETEEN lives that were lost about a fortnight ago in Samoa from the Tsunami....pictured above is the burial of 7 family members. Several people burying SEVEN of their family members....thats 7 Aislings....A mum, 2 sisters, a brother, grandad, aunty and cousin! Can you IMAGINE!!!!! The man I heard on the radio...ELEVEN family members....he has NO-ONE left....ALL ELEVEN of his family members, WIPED out...
So many kiwis directly connected to Samoa with their families there, so many lives the past fortnight affected from family members over in Samoa either dead, missing, seriously injured, homeless.....
Sure we are sending lots of aid....sheets, blankets, food, money. Real awesome stuff and support we are doing.... but....
I dunno...just processing my own thoughts here.....I'm actually gut-wrenched about lil bubba Aisling...I work with children her age every day and love every one of them soo sooo soo much, would do anything for them and if anything DID happen to them, I would be a write off, buckling at the knees with overwhelmed emotion...seriously. They all mean the world to me...... so the fact they found a lil shnook their age in a septic tank....guts me to the core...oh....completely.... :'(
It just guts me 'abit' to see the hardcore-ness (I'm allowed that as a word) that this one life gets (and totally worthy of it, not underestimating it at all) but 118 MORE lives were lost, including a WHOLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE heap of lil ones her age less than two weeks ago, and that just didnt get the same response/attention/compassion/sympathy...... just hacks me a lil....suprises...not sure what....
Still processing....

The processing of thoughts...
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