Heck I miss Goodall ! Number 42 was where it was at.
(Freeken) Amie
(Gosh) Tim
(Whatever) Rita
(Whatever) Rita
We were tight like tigers, our own lil whanu.
We had ca-razy times with mr freaky bendy man with bells, we had sa weet times with Dragonforce, pancake dinners, muscle and cardio battles, toast(er) in the bed - ha, people over all the time, bollywood goodness, would chat through till like 2-3 in the morning! We would take like 2hours, starting at about 11pm usually, doing our weekly shop together. A landlord who threatened to chop us up in little peices if we used the fireplace - seriously. Bushwalks in our jarmeez. Had my car broken into on the street, my car putted out with no petrol in the driveway and tim sucked petrol through a hose to get it from his car to mine. Amie and Tim would buy a different brand of peanut butter every.single.week. We all even folded each others undeez, thats family right there. :) The list goes on.....

Best 7 months of my life. By Far.
I never bushwalked in my jarmeez!!! The peanut butter here sucks aye...it's like 1/2 sugar. Ryan brought me some over from england....but nothing compares to Signature Range for value and....well maybe just value.
oh and homebrand. wassup.
Tim, you have to WEAR jarmeez to be able to go for walks in your jarmeez. It might have been slightly inappropriate going for bushwalks in your sleeping...ways.
It SUCKS not being able to send you stuff aye, I would have sent you some peanut butter way back. :)
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