So, I only went to Parachute for a night pass on Saturday this year, lack of pingaz and a roadtrip which just wouldn't work with going the whole weekend being the factors, but I'm definitely a mufussa sized fan of parachute aye. Music sweetness all night long - highlight musician was definitely Bradley Hathaway who played in the White Elephant Tent - totally weird cooky American dude, not so many songs about Jesus, but about the ladies he's loved in his time (even though he looks really young) but he had the sweetest lyrics ever - he is a emphasizer on words, pronounces them with extreme-ness.....if that makes sense.....Go Parachute, go the work they do, go the volenteers, go the sun that is always there in a massive way every year, go the musicians, go De Jongs. Go.....christians?
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Number 42
Heck I miss Goodall ! Number 42 was where it was at.
(Freeken) Amie
(Gosh) Tim
(Whatever) Rita
(Whatever) Rita
We were tight like tigers, our own lil whanu.
We had ca-razy times with mr freaky bendy man with bells, we had sa weet times with Dragonforce, pancake dinners, muscle and cardio battles, toast(er) in the bed - ha, people over all the time, bollywood goodness, would chat through till like 2-3 in the morning! We would take like 2hours, starting at about 11pm usually, doing our weekly shop together. A landlord who threatened to chop us up in little peices if we used the fireplace - seriously. Bushwalks in our jarmeez. Had my car broken into on the street, my car putted out with no petrol in the driveway and tim sucked petrol through a hose to get it from his car to mine. Amie and Tim would buy a different brand of peanut butter every.single.week. We all even folded each others undeez, thats family right there. :) The list goes on.....

Best 7 months of my life. By Far.
Eternal vs Earthly Love

So, this is a subject that constantly convicts me, especially at times when I say to myself or to others 'Yep, I LOVE God/Jesus', then I sit back and think how much time I actually spend with God on any given day.
Some days, I might read a solid chunk of a God related book that I might be reading at the time - like now, I'm reading 'I told the mountain to move' a book on prayer. Some days I might read a few chapters of the Bible, sometimes just the one chapter if it had heaps to think about. Some days I might only pray before I go to bed - and sometimes not even that. Maybe hide yourself away and just listen to christian music, or run away to some awesome hotspot and just look at God's freeken awesome creation. Might be discussion/chats with friends. Sure there are the everyday things where we do stuff for God/Jesus - like acts of service to others orrr that thing you see that NEEDS to be done, but it ISN'T your job, and its at the end of the day and all you wanna do is go home and relax, buuuuuut you think of Jesus, and you DO it anyway, just to think maybe you gave him abit of a smile. :) Cool feeling.
BUT, the thing that convicts me is, if we all say we LOVE him.....for someone we LOVE, do we really spend the amount of time that we should on we would someone living here on Earth with us, as a human. Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike....a example I think of, is a partner. Imagine your boyfriend/girlfriend, you love them SO much, SOOO intense, you would do anything for them, you love them beyond what you could ever describe in words, just.....LOVE them. So, WITH that, generally you would think you would want to spend as much time as you can with them, when something funny happens, you wanna tell THEM about it, when something hacks you off, you wanna talk to them and get their point of view on it, when your sad, you look to them for support and a listening ear, you wanna know more about them all the time and find it exciting when you DO find out new things about them, you look out for them, you wanna be the best you can be for them, and you'd never wanna do anything that would hurt them, right?
So, then......if we would do that for someone we love so much here.....and we LOVE them...then can you imagine how God feels? Like....we all say we LOVE him, but then I'm sure I hurt him so much.....sometimes I wont even talk to him for a whole day, heck if I'm a headless chicken caught up in the worlds busyness (?) a week will pass and I realised I havn't said a prayer, or opened the Bible for that long............ Can you imagine if you just all of a sudden fell off the radar to your boyfriend or girlfriend for a whole week, without replying to their texts, not answering their phonecalls, you dont touch base with them at all, for no apparent reason other than, you were busy. Either your partner would hunt you down like a fox, be crying a river thinking your dead, or you'd be in the dog box for a serious amount of time. You just wouldn't do that...i hope. So yea, I just feel like I'm jipping God when I dont give him the same amount of attention as I would a partner - just to talk small talk with God through the day, even if it's a lil sentence - IF something funny happens, tell him about it (like sending a text), orrr have a lil convo with God on the way home, (like calling your partner when your in traffic). I wanna have God on my mind all the time, and just smile for no reason, just cos God loves me and know I love him back. I want that. :)
So, i dunno, this just convicts me heaps, saying I love God, but then not giving him the attention he so crazily deserves, as would any person down here on Earth that I loved - I probably treat him with the least respect out of anyone I love, even though I'm constantly trying to make him proud..........
So yea, I dunno, just something to think our....MY time I spend with God, is that enough, or less than what I would spend with someone I loved intensly down here? Or am I totally poo-pooing the word Love, when it comes to God? This lil example helps me anyway...
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